CMPC’s forest heritage consists of over 1,100,000 hectares, which are located in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina and supply raw material to various plants and sawmills.
CMPC’s forest heritage consists of over 1,100,000 hectares, which are located in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina and supply raw material to various plants and sawmills.

All of CMPC operations respond to the highest standards of forest management, ensuring a harmonious operation in the economic, social, and environmental fields.
CMPC aims to live in good standing with all the communities with which it is linked, developing various actions within the framework of its good neighbor policy, while promoting educational and cultural programs.
The Company conducts proactive management of plantations, thinning, and harvesting, together with preventive fire control.
The sustainable management of CMPC forestry crops is certified through FSC® and CERTFOR-PEFC to guarantee the protection of the native forest and biodiversity. It is thus ensuring that wood for industrial use is obtained exclusively from plantations of controlled origin and entirely traceable from its origin to its final destination.
The products sold by CMPC are made from Pinus Radiata (D. Don), commonly known as Insignis Pine or Monterey Pine, which is a tree species that belongs to the Pinaceae family (coniferous trees with abundant branches) native to the southwest of the United States.
In Chile, it was introduced in 1888 by the agronomist Arturo Junge Sahr to counteract the phenomenon of soil erosion, caused using fire or tilling for the cultivation of grains, which caused significant loss of vegetation coverage.
In Chile, the most cultivated species is Pinus radiata (58.4%) followed by Eucalyptus Globulus (24.1%) and Eucalyptus Nitens (10.8%).
The products sold by CMPC are made from Pinus Radiata (D. Don), commonly known as Insignis Pine or Monterey Pine, which is a tree species that belongs to the Pinaceae family (coniferous trees with abundant branches) native to the southwest of the United States.
In Chile, it was introduced in 1888 by the agronomist Arturo Junge Sahr to counteract the phenomenon of soil erosion, caused using fire or tilling for the cultivation of grains, which caused significant loss of vegetation coverage.
In Chile, the most cultivated species is Pinus radiata (58.4%) followed by Eucalyptus Globulus (24.1%) and Eucalyptus Nitens (10.8%).

Genetic Improvement Program for Pine and Eucalyptus
- Quickly materialize genetic gains in operational plantations
- Maintain genetic diversity.
- Identify key and substantial attributes to technological, industry, market, and environmental changes.
- Integrated forest/industry maximization.
- Have the technologies to respond quickly to changes (market – environment).

Forestal mininco territorially manages the forest heritage of cmpc in chile. to meet the sustainability objectives established by the company, it performs systematic and periodic audits of the forests, verifying that the implemented environmental and social management system operates according to plan.
forestal mininco, forestal mininco is committed to the following standards and certified management systems, whose implementation is evaluated by different certification houses.
FSC® forest management certification
The forest management certification is granted to forest managers or owners whose management practices meet the requirements of the FSCsup>® principles and criteria or the national FSCsup>® standard.
Through this process, the forest owner demonstrates that its forestry operations are socially beneficial and managed in an environmentally responsible and economically viable manner.
Forestal mininco territorially manages the forest heritage of cmpc in chile. to meet the sustainability objectives established by the company, it performs systematic and periodic audits of the forests, verifying that the implemented environmental and social management system operates according to plan.
forestal mininco, forestal mininco is committed to the following standards and certified management systems, whose implementation is evaluated by different certification houses.
FSC® forest management certification
The forest management certification is granted to forest managers or owners whose management practices meet the requirements of the FSCsup>® principles and criteria or the national FSCsup>® standard.
Through this process, the forest owner demonstrates that its forestry operations are socially beneficial and managed in an environmentally responsible and economically viable manner.

Forest management helps local people, as well as society as a whole, to enjoy the benefits of the forest in the long term.

Forest management ensures that the production of wood, non-timber products, and ecosystem services maintains the biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes of the forest.

Management validates that forestry operations are structured and managed in a way that is sufficiently profitable, without generating economic gains at the expense of forest resources, the ecosystem, or the affected communities.